The current show, Rubens and his Legacy, at the Royal Academy, London (until April 10th) is
intended to illuminate the Old Master’s influence on later
artists … but in her review, Jackie Wullschlager says “the
Royal Academy set itself a challenge which could have been magnificently met,
but has resulted in the most misjudged Old Master show I have ever encountered."
Wullschlager goes on to say, “… no Old Master is in greater need of reviving for contemporary taste and rescuing from clichéd response than Peter Paul Rubens, the eloquent, erudite and now remote pioneer of the Flemish baroque. He has been out of fashion for generations. Van Gogh called him “superficial, hollow, bombastic”, and, to audiences reared on modernism’s introspection and angst, Rubens’ easy self-confidence was anathema.”
Being “out of fashion” is one thing … tastes change. But to
criticize Rubens as “superficial, hollow, bombastic” displays temporal
chauvinism … my term for judging a thing in today’s terms rather than in the
context of its own times.
The reviewer compares two works in the exhibit: Rubens’ “The
Garden of Love” (1633, Prado) and Watteau’s “The Pleasures of the Ball” (1714, Dulwich
Picture Gallery)
Speaking of the Rubens painting: “It is a voyeur’s paradise
— buoyant, celebratory, but touched with moral seriousness: an allegory of joys
— bourgeois order, affluent display — that seem alien today. Lacking is a
frisson of qualities we value more: the mystery, fragility, melancholy
underlying a similar scene exhibited nearby, Watteau’s The Pleasures of the
Apparently, Constable’s comment when he saw Watteau’s ephemeral
figures and light brushstrokes: “So mellow, so tender, so soft and so
delicious . . . this inscrutable and exquisite thing would vulgarise even
If you have a few minutes, I recommend reading the review.